Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of Australia’s threatened wildlife and ecosystems. AWC acquires land, and works with other landholders, to establish sanctuaries for the conservation of threatened wildlife and ecosystems. AWC now owns 23 sanctuaries covering over 3 million ha (7.4 million acres) in places such as north Queensland, the Kimberley, western New South Wales, Northern Territory and the forests of south western Australia.
The Pizzey & Knight Birds of Australia Digital Edition is a comprehensive and interactive multimedia program. It combines multimedia data on over 900 Australian bird species, with eight interactive modules that facilitate almost every aspect of "computer birding"
Fatbirder is the premier birders’ web resource about birds, birding & birdwatching. Whether you are looking for facts about hummingbirds, songbirds, shorebirds or raptors in your backyard or are planning a trip or birding tour it's the site for you. There are tens of thousands of links on hundreds of pages about birding everywhere in the world; a page for every country & state & every bird family.